ASP Scripting


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StoreFront 5.0
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RWebs ASP Scripting & E-Commerce Services

My name is Randy Wilson and my company is RWebs Consulting. I don't do web design but do write web programs and scripts using Microsoft's Active Server Pages and related server-side technologies. In addition, I provide network management and security services to some clients.

I have also specialized in supporting, customizing and trouble-shooting installations of the StoreFront™ 5.0 E-Commerce software, produced by LaGarde, Inc. However, StoreFront 5.0 has been superseded by StoreFront 6.0, which is written in ASP.Net, instead of classic ASP. StoreFront 5.0 is no longer sold or supported by Lagarde, Inc. I had developed a number of free tips and tricks for use with StoreFront 5.0 and these are still available via the links on the left. At the present time, I do not work with the newer Storefront 6.0 product but am looking into other options for e-commerce.

Web and e-commerce security is another area where I provide support. Do you need a cost-effective way to collect personal or private information on your web site and then e-mail it somewhere in a secure format, safe from prying eyes? If so, I may be able to help.

Please note that some of these features require additional software or that other components be available on the host's web servers. If you are looking for a good, well-managed Microsoft NT web host, I suggest the friendly folks at

This web provides support and other information to my clients and others working with or interested in ASP, e-commerce, security and related matters.

Please use the links to the left of this page to view other sections of this web. Thank you for visiting RWebs' ASP Scripting pages.

Randy Wilson

"Profanity is the one language understood by all programmers."

Contents Copyright © 2000-2003 by Randy Wilson, all rights reserved.
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