Both the original Windows 98 (Win98) and Windows 98 Second Edition (Win98SE) CD-ROMs have the Microsoft PWS 4.0 on them, but it is not installed by default when you install Win98. You must manually install MS PWS 4.0 by running the following file from the Win98 or Win98SE CD-ROM: \add-ons\pws\setup.exe.
Some users of StoreFront 2000, which depends on ASP pages as well as other features of late versions servers, have reported that by using the Win98SE version of MS PWS and the Win98SE updates, some problems were solved. The exact differences in these two versions are not clear. If you have problems with the MS PWS 4.0 from Win98, you might try downloading the Win98 updates or installing the Win98SE update.
If you are running Win98, you can get the updates by clicking on the Windows Update in your Start Menu. If you are using Win95 or don't have that button, you can try this URL: The full Win98SE update can also be .