The Micro Store & Dave WilsonI spent many an hour hanging out at The Micro Store, which was one of the first, if not the first, microcomputer retail store in Dallas. It was located on Central Expressway, just south of Belt Line Rd. in then, far north Dallas. The owner and proprietor was David Wilson. Dave was both a friend and mentor to me from the days I started researching my first micro system, until the shop closed in the early or mid-80s. Dave had his Ph.D. in computer sciences and was then married to Portia Issacson (also Ph.D), who was very active in the academic and political computer circles at the time. Dave and I were about the same age and had a slight resemblance, and since I hung around so much and we shared the same last name, we were often asked if we were brothers. So, I took to calling Dave my "pseudo-brother". I have a few stories I'll tell, when time allows, about Dave and some projects we got into together, including interfacing some of the first small hard drives (ST-506 5MB) to micros running the CP/M-80 operating system. The last I heard of Dave, he had retreated to the mountains of Arizona or New Mexico. If anyone knows of his whereabouts, I would appreciate your dropping me an e-mail, or pass on my address ( to Dave. Thanks. Randy |
When PCs Were Micros - Bits and pieces of history about the "good" old days
of microcomputers |