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Which Version Do I Have?

If you have a PWS icon, as described above, you can open the Personal Web Manager by double-clicking on the icon or right-clicking on it and selecting Properties. If you are running MS PWS 4.0 or later, a window should open similar to this one:

If you click on the Advanced button in the lower left corner, a window similar to this will open:

If you click on the Help menu at the top of this windows and then select About Personal Web Server, you will see a window similar to this one:

This is the window that will be displayed if you are running the MS PWS version which installs from the Win 98 and/or Win98SE CD-ROMs. Note that it says Windows 98 in the second line.

I don't currently have any earlier versions of the MS PWS loaded on any of my computers, thus can't show the windows from earlier versions.

See Also

Is PWS Installed?

Differences in Root Web Folder Names

What If I Have an Old Version?