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What If I Have an Old Version?

If you are running Windows 95 you can download the MS PWS 4.0 from the Microsoft site listed below and install it. The download package is very large (Typical is 20+MB if I remember correctly) and can take several hours on a slow connection, so be prepared.

Uninstall the older PWS before installing the new one. Do this from Start>Settings>Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs where you can select any and all entries with "Personal Web Server" and clicking on the Add/Remove button. After uninstalling the old PWS, be sure to restart your computer. You can then proceed to install the newer version.

Note - the Microsoft Web Site is often reorganized and rearranged, it seems, and links such as the one above may be changed. If so, please do a Search of Microsoft's site for "Personal Web Server" or "NT Option Pack" to try and locate a newer download location.

Another option is to upgrade to Windows 98 or Windows 98 Second Edition. Again, I would suggest first uninstalling the older PWS and then adding the new MS PWS by running the file \add-ons\pws\setup.exe found at that location on the Win98 or Win98SE CD-ROM.

If your computer came pre-loaded with Win98 and you don't find a Win98 CD-ROM, you should do a search for the folder "pws" to find where the Win98 setup files have been stored on your hard drive - it is often C:\Windows\Options\Cabs or a similar path.

Again, please note that if you have MS PWS 4.0 or later, you do not have to add ASP support, as it is already enabled. Specifically, do not run the file asp.exe found with earlier versions of the PWS, as it will/may corrupt your installation.

If you are running Windows 2000 Professional, please look here.

In This Section

Old and New Copies of ASP.DLL

See Also

Is PWS Installed?

Which Version Do I Have?

Differences in Root Web Folder Names