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Is PWS Installed?

A quick check if you have a copy of MS PWS installed is to look for its icon in the tool tray, in the right side of the Windows 9x taskbar, near the digital time display. If you place your cursor over the icon, it should show a message about the status of the PWS, as shown in the following image:

Please note that your taskbar may look very different and may not even display a clock, as this is an option which can be turned off.

If your PWS is running, you should see this message in the lower part of the image, if you leave your cursor over it for a second or so.

Note: The PWS can be either running or stopped and it remembers which, even when you restart your computer. If the display above says that it is stopped, double-click on the icon and click the Start button.

In This Section

Which Version Do I Have?

Differences in Root Web Folder Names

What If I Have an Old Version?

See Also

What is a PWS?

How Do I Get & Install PWS?

Configuring PWS 4.0

Links for More PWS 4.0 Info