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Configuring PWS 4.0

OK, we now have or know we have PWS 4.0 and have installed it. One of the next things that we need to do is install the FrontPage 2000 server extensions on it - these are required to use FP2K and StoreFront 2000.

If you had PWS 4.0 installed before you installed FP2K, the FP2K extensions should have been automatically installed. If you installed PWS 4.0 after FP2K, you will have to add them. There are a couple of ways to do this.

First, look for the following program entry from the Start button: Programs>Microsoft Office Tools>Server Extensions Administrator and click on it. This will open what is also known as the Microsoft Management console, or MMC. If you don't find this listed in your program menu, you can do a search for the program FPMMC.MSC on your hard drive and run it to start the MMC. Actually, this is the FP snap-in for the MMC but it will look something like this:

If the FP server extensions are installed, you will see them listed under the Console Root, as above. To check them, right-click on the entry in the right pane, under Name and select Tasks>Check Server Extensions:

If they all check OK, you can find out what version your extensions by first expanding the web tree (click on the plus sign to the left of FrontPage Server Extensions in the left window until you see something like /LM/W3SVC/1: as in the image below, which is expanded a bit further:

Then right-click on /LM/W3SVC/1: and select Properties and you will see a window similar to this one:

The server extensions version number is shown in the lower left corner, in this example,

See Also

What is a PWS?

Is PWS Installed?

How Do I Get & Install PWS?

Links for More PWS 4.0 Info