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The IMSAI 8080

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Front Cover
The IMSAI 8080

Here’s a high-quality microprocessor-based system that gives you the performance and flexibility you demand at a price you can afford. Whether you’re a cost/performance-conscious OEM, or an uncompromising experimenter, IMSAI 8080 should be your affordable choice.

The computer, using Intel’s 8080A chip, makes up to 64K words (bytes) of memory directly accessible. With a basic machine cycle of 0.5 microsecond, and with as many as 256 I/O ports directly accessible, this is definitely a highcapability machine.

The computer is backed by a family of options and peripheral devices and interfaces to do just about any job... serial and line printers, a video terminal, tape cassette, disk or teletypewriter.

It’s modular, so you can easily add to your IMSAI 8080 system.

Basic software furnished includes a resident monitor, assembler, text editor, loader and debugger. There’s a wide range of high-level system software available to registered IMSAI 8080 owners at very low cost.

While the computer is designed as a high-quality commercial computer, there’s no compromise in quality or value if you purchase it as a kit. You can get it together and bring it up in 10 to 20 hours, depending on your experience. Plug-in modularity minimizes solder connections to speed assembly and enhance reliability.

Your IMSAI 8080 computer will be
supported by complete documentation

bulletIMSAI 8080 System User’s Manual
bulletIntel 8080 Microprocessor System User’s Manual, describing the Intel devices and instruction set
bulletAn Introduction to Microcomputers, textbook on the programming and architecture of microcomputer systems

Your computer is backed by a 90-day warranty, and full factory service at moderate cost.

Whether your IMSAI 8080 computer is to be used up-front, or hidden in your dedicated application, you’ll find it the right system to start with, and the best to grow with.


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