Dual Drive Cabinet FDC 2-1
This is a dual-drive cabinet containing one disk drive with power supply and
phase-lock-loop. Order a CABLE C to connect it to the computer chassis or, if
this is a second Floppy Disk Drive cabinet, to connect it to the first cabinet.
Includes a floppy diskette.
Rack Mount Hardware FDC-RM
This is hardware permitting the disk drive cabinet to mount in a standard 19-inch
electronics rack. It consists of side panels that bolt to the inside of the
electronics cabinet and a special dust cover. Order the rack mount option only
in conjunction with an FDC 2-1.
Floppy Disk Drive FDC
Disk drive and power supply to add a drive to the dual-drive cabinet FDC 2-1.
Includes a cable to interconnect drives within the cabinet. Includes a floppy
Floppy Diskette FDD
The recording medium for the Floppy Disk Drive. Equivalent to IBM 3740 Diskette.
Floppy Disk Interlace FJF
The FIF board is an interface/controller consisting of an IFM (Interface Master
Board) and a FIB (Floppy Disk Interface board) which interface the disk to the
The combination of FIB and IFM boards creates an intelligent controller including
DMA transfer, which permits the computer to perform other tasks during disk
The IFM board uses its own 8080A processor which is programmed to support the
floppy disk system. The program is stored in 1K byte EPROM chips and can be
changed to support different data formats and densities on the floppy disk
drives. Included is a disk bootstrap capability that reads and executes the
contents of the first disk sector, allowing the disk operating system to gain
control after turning on the computer.
A single FIF interface will control up to four disk drives in a daisy chain signal
bus, and can write-protect drives under software control. Commands include
Read Clock and Data Bits, Write Sector, Read Sector, Verify Sector, Format
Track, Write Deleted Data Sector Mark, Write Protect, Write Enable and Restore
Logical and physical track addresses may be different. Cyclic redundancy checks are
performed automatically. When an error is detected in reading or writing, the
logic automatically retries up to 10 times.
The FIF board is furnished with a CABLE A to connect the board to the rear of the
computer chassis. Order CABLE C to connect the chassis to the Floppy Disk Drive
Two edge connectors EXPM are required.
Disk Drives Disk-50, Disk-80, Disk-200
You can specify 3330-type disk drives with 50, 80 or 200-megabyte capacities. Each
drive is supplied with Disk Drive Interface HDIF.
Please contact the factory for additional information.
Serial Printer PTR-30A
This serial printer produces letter-quality copy and will operate in the plot mode to
produce graphs. Print fonts are changeable, and two-color ribbons are available.
The printer operates at a rate of 30 characters per second, using the Hy-Type I
daisy-wheel printer mechanism. It will space up, down, right or left. Tabs are
program-controlled and operate at high speed in either direction. The platen is
132 characters wide.
The printer includes a power supply. A software driver program listing is furnished
with the printer to facilitate normal character printing and plotting. The
driver routine uses about 512 bytes of memory.
The required interface is the PlO 4-1 with an installed Parallel I/O Module (PIOM)
and two PlO cables.
A 10-foot round cable is furnished to interconnect the printer with three male
25-pin EIA-type connectors to the rear of the computer chassis.
Print Speed: 30 characters per second (average text)
Character Set: 96 characters 'Print Line: 132 columns Form Width: 15 inches maximum
Carriage Return Time: 400 ms maximum for 132 columns Tabulation: Right and left,
direct to column address
Tabulation Speed: 400 ms maximum for 132 columns
Column Spacing: 60 positions per inch (nominal)
Paper Feed: Bidirectional
Paper Feed Spacing: 48 positions per inch (nominal)
Paper Feed Speed: 4 inches per second plus 50 ms settling delay
Dimensions: 81/2 in. high, 22'/2 lfl. wide, 131/2 in. deep Weight: 30 lb
Tractor Feed Option PTR-30A-TF
This option for the PTR-30A printer provides greater paper control when using
multipart forms. It also provides better registration when backing-up a line and
overprinting. Only available when ordered with PTR-30A.
Line Printer PTR-300A
The Line Printer prints up to 314 lines of 80-column material per minute. The unit
is ruggedly built and produces a high-quality copy on standard fan-folded or
rolled forms from 4 to 9 ¾ inches wide. Multipart forms may have up to six
parts. Form width and length are operator-adjustable to permit the printer to
handle a variety of forms.
The standard USASCII 63-character set is provided. Character spacing is 10
characters per inch and 6 lines per inch, operator-adjustable to 3 lines per
The printer mechanism uses individual type pallets in an endless revolving
carrier belt. This system gives you high-speed operation along with the good
character quality and changeability advantages of an impact typebox printer.
Automatic Character Substitution: The printer may be made to print either the upper-case equivalent of a received lower-case
character, or the substitute character.
Parity Error Indication: The printer prints the substitute character for a character
received with an even parity error. The printer is easily changed to operate
with odd parity or none.
Test Character Generation: A switch inside the printer may be used to test the
printer mechanism by printing a substitute character in all printable positions
of consecutive lines.
The printer includes power supply and a 10-foot flat cable terminated by a 25-pin
EIA-type connector which connects to the rear of the computer chassis. The
required interface for the Line Printer is the Line Printer Interface board set
Line Printer PTR-300B
This line printer is 132 columns wide and in all other respects equivalent to Line
Printer PTR-300A. The maximum paper width is 14 ¼ inches. Requires interface
board set LIF.
Line Printer Interface LJF
The LIF interfaces the Line Printer to the computer. It consists of an Interface
Master (IFM) board and a Line Printer (LIB) board. The combination of LIB and
IFM boards creates an intelligent controller including DMA transfer, permitting
the computer to perform other tasks during printer operations.
The IFM board uses its own 8080A processor which is programmed to support the
printer. The program is stored in 1K byte PROM chips.
The LIF board is furnished with a CABLE A to connect the board to the rear of the
computer chassis and a cable to connect the chassis to the Line Printer.
Requires two edge connectors EXPM.
Video Display/Keyboard Terminal CRT-2480A
The Video Terminal is a high-quality 24-line, 80-character-per-line terminal
12-inch (diagonal) CRT with P4 white phosphor and etched non-glare surface
59-key keyboard with office typewriter layout and containing all teletypewriter data
and control keys
Displays 64 ASCII characters (uppercase, numeric and punctuation)
RS232C and current-loop interfaces at standard communications baud rates from 75 to
19,200 baud for full-duplex or half-duplex asynchronous operation
Automatic scrolling with new data entered at screen bottom
Variable communications format: word length, parity and stop bits switch-selectable.
The terminal includes a 3-foot round communications cable terminated by a male
25-pin EIA-type connector. The required interface is an SIO 2-2 or SIO 2-1
To extend the length of the cable furnished, order CABLE C.
Terminal dimensions are: 13 ½ in. high, 15 ½ in. wide, 19 in. deep. It weighs 25 pounds
and requires 80 Watts of 115V ac power.
Video Display/Keyboard Terminal CRT-1280A
This is identical to the CRT-2480A except that it provides 12 lines on the screen
instead of 24 lines.