Pilot's Notes
Hurricane IIA, IIB, IIC, IID and IV Aircraft
Merlin XX Engine
Reproduced from a copy of Air Publication 1564B&D, published by the Air Ministry,
from the author's collection.

Cockpit, Port Side

- Radio contactor master switch
- Cockpit light dinner switch
- Generator switch
- Oil dilution pushbutton
- Landing lamp control lever
- Oxygen supply cock
- Throttle lever (incorporating pushbutton)
- Socket for footage indicator plug
- Wedge plate for camera gun footage indicator
- Propeller speed control
- Cannon master switch
- Compass light dinner switch
- Cockpit light
- Cockpit light dinner switch
- Landing lamp switch
- Friction adjuster
- Supercharger control
- Fuel cock control
- R.T.9D contactor switch
- Radio contactor
- Undercarriage emergency release Lever
- Fuel tank pressurising control
- Rudder trimming tab control
- Elevator trimming tab control
- Recognition device selector lever
- Radiator flap control lever
- Heated clothing socket
- Cannon cocking lever
- Microphone/telephone socket
- Hood catch control
- Voltmeter